First Aid Certification
Our mission is to empower individuals and communities with accredited first aid training. Explore our available courses below, including HLTAID011 Provide First Aid and HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting. Join us on a journey towards safety, preparedness, and peace of mind with our first aid classes in Sydney, Kiama, Doyalson, Muswellbrook, and Parramatta.
Kiama, NSW
Saturday, 4 November 2023. 9 AM - 5 PM
Parramatta, NSW
Saturday, 11 November 2023. 9 AM - 5 PM
Doyalson, NSW
Friday, 17 November 2023. 9AM - 5PM
Muswellbrook, NSW
Saturday, 18 November 2023. 9AM - 5PM
Register for a first aid class now.
Fill out your details on the register form on this page. Students must be at least 15 years of age, citizens or permanent residents of Australia, and reside in NSW. Once you have been pre-qualified, you will receive an email with the enrolment application link and a flyer for the course. We will call you shortly to check your eligibility and begin your enrolment.
Complete your enrolment application online.
Please be sure to have your USI (unique student identifier), Photo ID, and Medicare card ready. Your enrolment application includes an LNN (language, literacy and numeracy assessment) that must be completed with the application.
Complete pre-work and provide full payment before the first day of class.
Our team will send you the course schedule and the pre-work for the class. Please complete the pre-work and the payment of the course fee before the first day of class. The fee for this course is $120 per student. Payment plans are available upon request.
Attend class and successfully complete your assessments.
Please be prepared and on time for class. Class starts at 9:00 AM at the venue in your course schedule email. Once you have completed and passed both the written and practical assessments, you will receive your Statement of Attainment for your completed first aid unit of competency.
Head office:
Suite 602, 153 Walker Street
North Sydney, NSW 2060

RTO ID 91778

This nationally recognised training is delivered and assessed by Work Savvy, RTO ID 91778, ABN 20 132 057 384. This training will deliver skills and knowledge to the industry standard but does not guarantee a job. We tailor training for people from diverse backgrounds, including those with a disability and we encourage all to apply.